HUBstract is online

The website of HUBstract is online, the company founded in February 2013 by some professionals sharing a long working experience within the Pisa Ricerche Consortium. HUBstract aims to support private companies, public institutions, university and research bodies in the construction and management of a research and innovation project in all its phases
: writing of the proposal, support to the negotiation, monitoring and coordination of the activities foreseen by the program from a financial, administrative and technical point of view.

The HUBstract website offers detailed information on our services, divided into three different areas: Planning, Project management e Training.

A section is dedicated to useful resources regarding calls for tenders and funding at European, national and regional level, regulations and legislation in force in this area, best practices and useful advice in the context of the presentation and management of research projects.

Finally, the News section will be dedicated to the story of the results achieved by HUBstract over time, to particularly important successful cases, to training courses activated by HUBstract in the context of project writing and the various activities related to project management. itself after obtaining the financing.

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